More than 30,000 Hasidim have already come to Uman for Rosh Hashanah

Hasidim in Uman — how many pilgrims came to the city
Hasidim in Uman. Photo: Novyny.LIVE

Currently, about 31,000 Hasidims have come to Uman for celebration of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. Appropriate security measures are ongoing in the city.

This was announced by the deputy mayor of Uman, Oleh Hanich, in a comment for Novyny.LIVE.

Hasidim keep coming to Uman

Hanich said that 31,000 Hasidim have already arrived in Uman, including 5,000 children. According to him,  there were more than 35 thousand pilgrims in the city last year.

 "All security measures continue to be the same as last year. The new thing is the installation of introscopes, where every arriving pilgrim is checked. The police see everything they are transporting. Every prohibited thing is thrown away and disposed of accordingly," the deputy mayor said.

Moreover, Hanich said he did not know at this time whether Israel had provided any aid to the city during Rosh Hashanah. At the same time, Uman spends about 2 million hryvnias to maintain pilgrimage area during Rosh Hashanah.

He also added that Hasidim really litter the streets. However, municipal services monitor the order 24 hours: they clean up eight times a day and clean off the entire area during the curfew.

What is Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is a new year in the Jewish calendar. The first month, Tishrei, begins with this holiday. Its date is constantly shifting because the Jews live according to the lunar calendar. But all celebrations always occur on a new moon.

According to Jewish beliefs, on Rosh Hashanah, God determines a person's fate for the next year, but this decision is not final and can be changed during the next ten days. So with the beginning of the new year, ten days of repentance begin, during which believers hope to receive a favorable decision, which will be finally approved on the tenth day.

Popular holiday traditions

During the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, Hasidims have several traditions, including:
• blow the ram's horn (shofar);
• sing hymns and prayers;
• put sweet products on the festive meal: buns, honey, various fruits (dates, pomegranates, figs), pancakes;
• it is prohibited to work on these days, only pray and rest;
• it is forbidden to serve bitter and sour dishes to the table so that there is no bitterness in life.

We will remind, that it was revealed how much the Hasidims spend during the celebration in Uman. It is also known that rental prices have risen sharply in the city — even dirty rooms are being rented out.

свята Ukraine паломники Рош га-Шана Умань хасиди