Ukraine's Security Service detains FSB agent recruited by Russians on a dating web-site

Russian agent recruited by the FSB on a dating site, operated in Donetsk and Sumy regions
Detained FSB agent. Photo: Security Service of Ukraine

The Security Service of Ukraine detained an FSB agent who guided Russian missiles at Sumy and Donetsk regions. The adjuster was recruited through a dating site. 

This was reported by the press service of Security Service of Ukraine via Telegram on Wednesday, October 9. 

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A Russian agent's observation post. Photo: SSU

Ukraine detains Kremlin agent

The Secret Service of SSU arrested an FSB informant operating in the Donetsk region and Sumy. The perpetrator was tracking the positions of the defense forces and adjusting the air attacks of the occupiers.

In particular, the enemy was interested in the coordinates of Ukrainian troops in one of the hottest frontline areas — Pokrovsk.

"The enemy agent was a 23-year-old resident of Pokrovsk. The FSB recruited him through a so-called "honey trap", when the young man was looking for a date on dating sites. A representative of Russia's special services approached the suspect and offered to get to know him better," the Security Service reported. 

Subsequently, the newly minted Russian agent was sent to scout the area near Pokrovsk, where he secretly recorded the positions of the Ukrainian armed forces. The man also reported to the occupiers on the consequences of enemy airstrikes on the city.

Russian agent operated in Sumy region

After reconnaissance raids near the eastern front, the FSB sent its informant to Sumy region to monitor the work of Ukrainian air defense on the border with Russia.

"In order to complete the enemy's task, the offender rented an apartment in the regional center and equipped an observation post in it. On the windowsill of the apartment, he installed a cell phone with additional power supplies, which provided the FSB with an online broadcast of air attacks on the city," the statement said.

What punishment could the Russian agent receive?

The SSU detained an enemy informant and seized the phones he used in reconnaissance and subversive activities in favor of Russia. The detainee has already received a notice of suspicion for the unauthorized disclosure of information regarding the movement or deployment of the Armed Forces or other military formations established under Ukrainian law, in violation of martial law.

The offender is in custody. He faces up to 12 years in prison.

Previously, Dmitry Chistilin, an ideologue of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine was detained in Moldova during a special operation. He actively contributed to the seizure of Crimea and the occupation of Donbas.

Novyny.LIVE also reported that in Sumy, the Security Service of Ukraine, together with the police, detained philanthropists who organized the illegal sale of volunteer certificates. Thanks to these documents, "clients" could have reservations from mobilization and even travel abroad.

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