Zelenskyy addressed Ukrainians on Unity Day — video

The Unity Day of Ukraine on January 22 — greetings from Volodymyr Zelenskyy
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: screenshot

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy recorded a video message for Ukrainians on the Unity Day of Ukraine, which is traditionally celebrated on January 22. In his greeting, he explained the significance of the holiday and why every citizen should unite.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s video message was published by the Press Service of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

Zelenskyy addressed Ukrainians on the Unity Day on January 22

Zelenskyy recorded a video message on St Sophia’s Square, where the Act of Unification was proclaimed more than 100 years ago. 

"Right- and Left-Bank Ukraine have united into a single state. But ambitions, discord, and enemies who took advantage of them — enemies both from outside and inside, by the way — did not allow independent Ukraine to exist for long. Unfortunately. Our statehood was lost. That is, our freedom was lost. For many years. For decades. These are several generations who lived under other people’s flags, traditions, who were told how to live, how to speak, how to think, whom to love, whom to hate. That’s what not having your own statehood is, that’s what losing independence is," Zelenskyy said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that Ukraine needs to prove its unity again — on the day of the full-scale invasion. He added that Ukrainians need to unite and stay together. 

"Millions of us are together. And together we were able to withstand, to keep Ukraine together, to repel the invader, to hold back this great invasion together. The power of Ukrainians is hidden in this word — "together". It’s about us, about what we are capable of when we choose not our own ambitions, but choose Ukraine. We choose its interests. When we choose a sword instead of a shit. To defend what is ours. To defend our own. To defend with all our might," the President expressed.

The President of Ukraine added that Ukrainian unity is not only about the two banks of the Dnipro River but also about the whole world. 

"Today I want to congratulate everyone on this day — the Unity Day of Ukraine! I wish you to be strong, believe in yourself, believe in Ukraine. And know for sure that Ukrainian unity is not only about the two banks of the Dnipro River. It is about our entire world. This is Ukraine today. No matter where we are. All of us who were born in different cities, towns, villages, all our soldiers, our children, doctors, volunteers, teachers, power engineers, everyone who today, no matter where they are, will say: "I am a Ukrainian! I am a Ukrainian! I want to congratulate you on the Unity Day, dear, dear Ukrainians!" Zelenskyy concluded his speech. 

As a reminder, Ukraine celebrates the Unity Day of Ukraine on 22 January, as it was on this day in 1919 that the Act of Unification of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic into a single independent state was proclaimed on Soborna Square in Kyiv.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has also recently commemorated the Defenders of Donetsk Airport.

Volodymyr Zelensky Unity Day of Ukraine president звернення 22 січня