Will Trump help bring peace to Ukraine — poll results

Ukrainians assess impact of Trump's victory on peace - survey
Newly elected US President Donald Trump. Photo: REUTERS/Cheney Orr

Ukrainians were asked whether they believe that Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election will help bring peace to Ukraine. Almost half of the respondents answered positively.

This is stated in a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology on Friday, December 27.

Trump's electoral victory

The poll showed that 45% of people believe that Trump's victory brings peace closer. However, 15% said that peace is getting much closer, and 30% said that peace is getting only a little closer.

Only 14% of respondents believe that peace is moving away. Another 40% of respondents do not expect any changes or could not decide on their position.

Will Trump help bring peace to Ukraine — poll results - фото 1
In your opinion, is the election of Donald Trump approaching  or distancing the end of hostilities in Ukraine? Photo: Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

Only 7% of respondents believe that peace can be completely fair for Ukraine, while 11% believe that it will be completely unfair.

The majority of Ukrainians hold positions between these extremes, and the main issue is the ratio of fulfillment of Ukraine's and Russia's demands.

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And how do you feel that under USA President Trump, Ukraine can count on …? Photo: Kyiv International Institute of Sociology

Under Trump's presidency, 23% of Ukrainians believe that peace will be mostly or completely fair to Ukraine, while 31% believe that it will be mostly or completely unfair.

Another 29% say they expect both the fulfillment of Ukraine's demands and concessions in favor of Russia, but cannot assess which will be more. The remaining 18% have no clear position on this issue.

"Even now, about 80% of Ukrainians believe in the possibility of success in the war with proper support from Western allies, but there is an acute feeling of untimely and insufficient sending of weapons. Against this background, a number of statements by senior USA officials that Ukraine supposedly does not need weapons so much are at best surprising, although in reality they are irritating," said Anton Hrushetskyi, Executive Director of KIIS.

As a reminder, a survey was conducted in Ukraine on the level of trust in the representatives of the TCC. More than half of the respondents assessed their activities negatively.

Also, more than 60% of German residents oppose the transfer of Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

USA election Donald Trump Ukraine опитування president