The Ukrainian Parliament informs about the heat supply situation during wintertime

What will be with the heat situation in winter
Zuivska TPP. Photo: Wikipedia

The heat situation will differ from the electricity one this winter. Since heat generation in Ukraine is decentralized, this will be a matter for the decisions of each separate city council.

This was reported by Inna Sovsun, a deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament from the "Golos" party and a member of the Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities Services, in the interview with Novyny.LIVE.

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Heat supply in Ukraine during wintertime 

Heat generation in Ukraine is decentralized. This means that each city council prepares in its own way for the winter period and must provide heat for local residents.

"It is obvious that there is an authority somewhere that manages the system adequately and has provided additional sources of power supply and minimized expenses. The system will operate more or less in such cities. A great example is Zhytomyr or Vinnytsia. That is, once again, the question about heat should be directed not to the Ministry of Energy, but to local authorities," Inna Sovsun informed.

It should be reminded that the National Bank of Ukraine predicts an increase in housing and communal services tariffs. In particular, it involves natural gas, heat and hot water.

In addition, the MP Elizaveta Yasko called on Ukrainians to prepare for the worst-case scenario of blackouts in the winter time.

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