Ukrainian intelligence hackers target Russian suppliers' resources

Ukrainian Intelligence cyber specialists attacked resources of Russian occupation army suppliers
Hackers. Illustrative photo: shutterstock

Cyber specialists from the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine have attacked the resources of suppliers to the Russian army. Other resources that serve the occupiers were also targeted.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine.

Cyberattack on Media Resources

Citing a source, the publication noted that Ukrainian hackers attacked several enemy resources connected to the Russian army or tracking the movement of people on the territory of the aggressor country.

According to intelligence, cyber specialists obtained data from the following resources:

  • (this resource supplies military equipment and uniforms to the Russian Ministry of Defense);
  • (here hackers gained access to user data, including Russian military personnel who book accommodations in Russia);
  • (this contains a database of registered patents, which may be of interest to military intelligence).

"All of these resources operate in the interest of the aggressor state and support the Russian occupation army," the Ukrainian Intelligence said.

As a reminder, on October 2, Ukrainian intelligence hackers conducted a successful cyberattack targeting the Russian financial sector. Among those were Alfa-Bank, Bank "Otkritie", and the telecommunications operator "Rostelecom".

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