Turkey supports return of occupied territories to Ukraine, including Crimea

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and Turkish President Erdogan at a meeting in New York. Photo credit: Office of the President of Ukraine

Turkey stands for the return of the occupied territories, including Crimea, and supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. This statement was made by Chief Advisor to the President of Turkey Yalcin Topcu.

This was reported by Ukrinform.

Turkey calls for return of occupied territories to Ukraine 

"Turkey, which supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, also affirms on all platforms that the return of the occupied territories, including Crimea, is a requirement of international law. Turkey wants to see an end to the ongoing occupation and war in Ukraine, Gaza and Lebanon, and is firmly committed to this on all international platforms, contributing to ensuring lasting peace in our region and the world for the future of all humanity," Yalcin Topcu said during a meeting with Nariman Dzhelal, Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. 

Nariman Dzhelial returned from Russian captivity

It should be noted that Nariman Dzhelal visited Turkey for the first time after his release from Russian captivity, where he told Erdogan's advisor about what was happening in Russian-occupied Crimea — cases of harassment of Crimean Tatars, as well as human rights violations and other crimes committed by Russians on the peninsula.

"Searches and arrests are taking place all the time. The detainees are sentenced to long terms of imprisonment, where they are held in unsatisfactory, inhuman conditions... There have been cases when political prisoners over 60 years old were brought to court in poor health," said Nariman Dzhelal.

In his turn, Denys Zolotarov, Counsellor of the Embassy of Ukraine in Turkey, and other participants jointly expressed their hope that Recep Tayyip Erdogan will help to release prisoners of war, civilian Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars from Russian captivity.

"In addition to the release of political prisoners, we are also talking about our prisoners of war, civilians who are in the most brutal conditions because they defended their homeland at the front, for their position. It is very important to combine the efforts of the state and civil society. In Ukraine, civil society organizations are doing a lot to protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens," Zolotarov concluded.

Previously, some leaders and officials have proposed various peaceful plans to end the war in Ukraine. For example, sources close to Trump said that he considers it necessary to freeze the current demarcation line, but to provide Ukraine with all security guarantees. 

Also, former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine could become a member of the alliance even with part of the territories occupied by Russia, citing a country that also has unresolved territorial issues.