Exceeding the norm by 150 times — the Russian Federation arranged an ecological disaster in Horlivka

A man in protective gear. Illustrative photo: thejournal.ie

In the temporarily occupied Horlivka, on the territory of the chemical factory, the occupiers set up a burial ground of dangerous chemicals. Before the war, this plant was the only producer of high-quality explosives in Ukraine.

This was reported by the press service National Resistance Center on Thursday, October 3.

Environmental disaster in Horlivka

It is reported that the concentration of poisonous substances in groundwater exceeds the permissible norms by 150 thousand times. Since the occupation of Horlivka, work on the elimination of this chemical burial ground has been stopped. Recently, the Russian occupation administration promised to improve the living conditions of the residents, assuring that the object is included in the project "General cleaning" developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. However, all these promises remain only on paper.

It should be reminded that until 2014, the authorities of Horlivka actively dealt with the problem of disposal of production residues on the territory of the Dniprodzerzhinsk Chemical Plant. The National Resistance Center of Ukraine reported that these works could have been successfully completed, if not the Russian military intervention, and the city would have been able to get rid of hazardous waste.

It is worth emphasizing that until the beginning of the 2000s, the products of the Horliv Chemical Plant were in demand in the coal, mining and military industries. The enterprise produced 25 types of goods, including explosives, detergents and household chemicals. However, after the purchase of the factory by a Russian businessman, the enterprise was closed, and its equipment was dismantled for metal.

Previously, we wrote that the Russian occupiers are forcing Ukrainian schoolchildren in Mariupol to make FPV drones for their army. Students of the 47th school are now forced to design and manufacture drones for the needs of the aggressor.

It should be recalled that the Russian invaders created a new method of pressure on Ukrainians who remained in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and did not take a passport of a Russian citizen. They will be given a special status that lead to the forced eviction.