More than half of the surveyed Polish people want the Ukrainian men to be sent back

Ukrainians in Warsaw, Poland, February 20, 2022. Photo: Wojtek Radwanski/AFP

In Poland, more than half of the respondents said that the Polish authorities should send men of conscription age back to Ukraine. In addition, the number of Polish people who are accepting refugees from Ukraine has decreased to a record level.

This is stated in the survey, the data of which was cited by Euractiv.

What do Polish people think about Ukrainian refugees

In Poland, a survey was conducted by the National Statistical Office, where the respondents were asked about their attitude to hosting refugees from Ukraine and whether they consider it necessary to return home conscripted Ukrainians.

Therefore, only 53% of Polish people agree that Poland should continue to accept Ukrainian refugees, which is the lowest indicator in the country since February 2022 — at that time, 94% of respondents supported such an initiative, and it remained at a level above 80% throughout 2022.

40% of respondents opposed accepting Ukrainian refugees, while only 3% expressed this opinion in March 2022. However, among the surveyed people who are for accepting refugees, men (60%) were more merciful than women (47%).

There is also a significant difference in the context of the parties. 68% of Polish who are supporters of left-wing parties advocated the need to continue providing shelter to Ukrainians, while "right-wing" Poles supported this opinion in the number of only 53% of those were surveyed.

Researchers believe that such a sharp drop in support is related to the "grain crisis".

What is the opinion of the Poles about conscripted men from Ukraine

It also turned out that 67% of respondents support the idea of ​​sending men from Ukraine of conscription age back home. And only 22% spoke against such an initiative. As for party supporters, proponents of the left party most often opposed such a decision, while voters of the Confederation (PfE/ESN), who are associated with anti-Ukrainian sentiments, are most in favor of it.

What do Poles think about the end of the war in Ukraine

46% of surveyed Poles want Ukraine not to surrender and continue fighting, but 39% said they support peace and believe there is nothing wrong with Ukraine's territorial or political concessions to Russia.

It is interesting that the Poles have become less afraid of the nuclear threat from Russia to Ukraine. In particular, every second Pole, or 51% of those interviewed, expressed their fears towards the nuclear threat, although at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the same opinion was expressed by 77%.

It should be reminded that a scandal broke out in the Polish city of Szczecin: passengers beat up a Ukrainian taxi driver.

It is also known that a recruitment campaign for the volunteer Ukrainian legion is underway in Lublin. It is already known how many applications were received from different parts of Europe.

It is interesting that the Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin Oleg Kuts said that men who want to join the Ukrainian Legion in Poland will receive payments and the right to cross the border.